ArtfixTerra 3D Terrain Editor - Sophisticated Landscape editing and painting (MMORPG Editor, landscape editor, terrain creator)
ArtifexTerra 3D Terrain Editor Scene
3D Landscape editing and painting.

Finally the Artifex Terra 3D 1.2 PE beta is here!

Over 80 new features, fixes and improvements, here is a list of the most important:

Click to enlarge. More Screenshots here...

  • New paintengine with multilayer colour painting on 8 extra layers.
    Similar like in popular 2d paint programs you can turn the visibility of each layer on and off and you can change the opacity for it. All 8 layers will be rendered into one single colour texture, so no extra texture slot required.
  • Automatic lightmap generation and a GUI control for it.
  • Migrated to a lot newer versions of the libraries Artifex is based upon. Ogre 1.72 (stability), PagedGeometry 1.14 (grass can receive lighting).
  • Changed the mousepointer to native so it no longer disappears. Right mouse still works to drag GUI elements. Something many wished for.
  • Reworked and improved the existing terrain shader material.
  • New project templates: A triplanar rendering shader to avoid texture stretching upslopes. A singlepass shader without normalmapping.
  • New texture bar control to navigate through the textures for texture painting and editing.
  • Improved memory handling to reduce leaks and crashes.
  • Overhaul of most of the GUI and workflow to improve the user experience.
  • Improved the texture manipulation control and made it accessible via texture bar.
  • New system for filepath and filename handling.
...but of course there is a lot more to Artifex, you can find the rest of the features here.

Note: The undo system has been deactivated for this version of the beta, it will be put in again soon.

System Requirements:

Windows XP or newer, dual core CPU, 1GB free RAM, NVidia or ATI graphics card with DX9 shader model 2.x or higher and 1 GB gfx-memory.

Latest DirectX9 runtime:
DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) ~ 95.6 MB.

VC8 Runtime:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package ATL Security Update ~ 2,6 MB.
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update ~ 2,6 MB.


Artifex Terra 1.2 PE beta, ZIP, ~ 177 MB

Click 1,2,3,5 and 8 to download.

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